RGF has redesigned their REME HALO™ unit with higher Ionized Hydro-peroxide output, which gives faster kill rates for microbials in the air as well as on surfaces. Also, this higher output drops more particulate from the air bringing relief to those who suffer from allergies and other respiratory issues.
1. User Friendly: The REME HALO™ now has a Quick Release feature to allow easy replacement of the REME cell. It also incorporates an adjustable shroud, which allows the customization of the AOP output.
2. Powerful:
The Guardian Air REME HALO™ units are easily mounted into air conditioning and heating systems air ducts, where most sick building problems start. This system does not need the pollutants to travel to the air handler for UV treatment or filtration. It is proactive and uses oxygen to aggressively seek out and destroy pollutants at the source. It even improves existing filtration by causing the allergens to stick together, increasing filtration rates and energy efficiency without sacrificing airflow.
3. Healthy: The REME HALO™ is so powerful it sends out ionized hydro-peroxides into the space where you work and breathe, attacking microbes like bacteria, viruses, and mold spores, and destroys impurities like VOCs (chemical odors), chemicals, and odors in every cubic foot of air in the building at the same time.